Day 10 The Forbidden City, the Museum, and Kung Fu Show

    Anne-Marie Moubarak  31 July 2019 01:14:55 AM
    Today was another busy day at camp with an early wake up and Breakfasts to head out to Beijing.

    We began with a walk through Tian An Men Square and the Forbidden City, where we learnt about the history of the city.

    Then with KFC on the bus, we went to the Museum. In the evening we went for dinner and finally got to have duck pancakes.

    We finished the evening with a thrilling Kung Fu show .

    Image:Day 10 The Forbidden City, the Museum, and Kung Fu Show

    Image:Day 10 The Forbidden City, the Museum, and Kung Fu Show

    Image:Day 10 The Forbidden City, the Museum, and Kung Fu Show

    Image:Day 10 The Forbidden City, the Museum, and Kung Fu Show

    Image:Day 10 The Forbidden City, the Museum, and Kung Fu Show

    Image:Day 10 The Forbidden City, the Museum, and Kung Fu Show

    Image:Day 10 The Forbidden City, the Museum, and Kung Fu Show

    1Kerri  31/07/2019 11:10:14 AM  Day 10 The Forbidden City, the Museum, and Kung Fu Show

    Looks like another hot day in Beijing! Hope you are all having fun.

    Yum duck pancakes!!!!

    2Kristy  2/08/2019 8:12:19 PM  Day 10 The Forbidden City, the Museum, and Kung Fu Show

    What did they think if the duck pancakes?