Day 15 Shopping Day

    Anne-Marie Moubarak  5 August 2019 10:01:31 AM
    We had a great day shopping at the Pearl Markets with our translator, Harley and we really enjoyed our lunch at Pizza Hut and some Ice Chocolates (and a coffee for me) at Bondi Coffee, a little cafe owned by an Aussie in Beijing.

    Image:Day 15 Shopping Day

    Image:Day 15 Shopping Day

    Image:Day 15 Shopping Day

    Image:Day 15 Shopping Day

    Image:Day 15 Shopping Day

    Image:Day 15 Shopping Day

    1Kerri  5/08/2019 1:32:37 PM  Day 15 Shopping Day

    And just like that it's over :)

    All the best for the trip home,

    Looking forward to hearing all your news,


    2Pauline mizzi  5/08/2019 10:42:33 PM  Day 15 Shopping Day

    It looks like you all had fantastic time !!

    It was wonderful being able to check in and follow everything you had done.

    I’m sure you will all need some rest once your back in oz.

    safe travels home Pauline xx